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You would have roared the 20's!

Summary of the 20's


The 1920s saw a big boom in the entertainment industry. With the post-war economic hike after World War I, many Americans had extra money to blow, and they turned to entertainers to help them burn a hole in their pockets.


Broadway reached an all-time high in the 1920’s. With playwrights like Gershwin, Jerome Kern and Oscar Hammerstein pumping out top-notch showcases like "An American in Paris" and "Show Boat," it’s no wonder that a whopping 268 plays were offered in New York City in 1927 alone! Big-time stars like Helen Morgan and Fred and Adele Astaire helped bring in the crowds. The Astaires’ hit it big in "Funny Face"



The 1920s have long been remembered as the "Roaring Twenties," an era of unprecedented affluence best remembered through the cultural artifacts generated by its new mass-consumption economy: a Ford Model T in every driveway, "Amos n' Andy" on the radio and the first "talking" motion pictures at the cinema, baseball hero Babe Ruth in the ballpark and celebrity pilot Charles Lindbergh on the front page of every newspaper.


As a soaring stock market minted millionaires by the thousands, young Americans in the nation's teeming cities rejected traditional social mores by embracing a modern urban culture of freedom—drinking illegally in speakeasies, dancing provocatively to the Charleston, listening to the sexy rhythms of jazz music.



Sports which grew and flourished in the nineteen twenties due to unprecedented publicity and promotion included baseball, tennis, golf, swimming, football and boxing. Newspapers, magazines, radio and movies all played a role in boosting the profile of sport and the sporting giants.


The 1920's was a transition period for many sports. Sports that had up until that time been largely amateur events caught the eye of promoters who could see an opportunity to capitalize and make money. The professional football league, golf tours, and tennis circuit were organized. Media publicity ensured large crowds and guaranteed the financial success of the ventures, allowing new stadiums to be built and providing steadily increasing salaries for the sports stars.

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